I Write My Soul Out!

Humor Poetry Creative Writing Visual Storytelling

You guy my guy! Welcome to my little corner where I express myself, where I am not bound by online etiquette nor keyboard warriors who tell you that you have a big nose.

Welcome to this place where I rant and talk about how I hate modern kinyozis and a corner where I speak any language; Sheng’, Swahili, Maasai, or Kikuyu so long as I pass my wit across.


Kill Me if You Want But All Men Are Dogs

Kill Me If You Want But ALL Men Are Dogs

I know in a perfect men’s world towels would not exist. There is how to date when I come out of shower, I shake my body like a dog and then I remember, “Oooh, towels are used for wiping off butts.”

I Cannot Hide It Anymore, I Have a Crush on This Girl Nikita Kering

I Cannot Hide It Anymore, I Have a Crush on This Girl

I am not going to be shy about it anymore, I have a crush on Nikita. Nikita Kering’ to be specific. I don’t know if it is the voice or the package. I cannot say Nyash because in some other circles I am very respected. They know me as a man of God 😂

Stir Me, Stir the Love Out of Me Abeg!

Stir Me, Stir the Love Out of Me Abeg!

For the longest, I used some powerful Ivy League tea leaves as my laptop stand. I wasn’t aware it was full of ecstasy and bliss. All I could moan was Stir Me, Stir the Love Out of Me Abeg!

Sikio La Kufa

Sikio La Kufa

So they decided to effect the force of inclusivity on Trump. They said Trump is Maasai and he should have a sikio la kufa; an ear mark for that matter to look like own of his own, like one of us.

Olaing'oni Le Kilimanjaro Simintei Episode #003

Olaing’oni Le Kilimanjaro | Simintei Episode #003

I felt Soila touch my arm and my body waltzed in bliss. She was the love of my life but the way she aroused my laing’oni and ashamed me in front of respectable women left me more depressed than I should be happy.

Soila & Moilaa

Soila & Moilaa | Simintei Episode #002

Soila was the aurora of Nasipa, the unicorn of the savannah and every Nyangulo wanted her. I vowed against all odds that Ole Karuko’s son who I refer to as a Moilaa (dung-beetle) that he will not take her away from me, again!

Should Men Carry Wet Wipes

Should Men Carry Wet Wipes?

Like sincerely, should men carry wet wipes? I am seeing these crop of men with mama mboga money bags carrying wet wipes. We are doomed!

A Man is Dead Featured Image

A Man is Dead

If you schooled in Rombo Boys Primary school then you are aware of muguru. A state of the art swimming pool that grew with both parents, ate only cereals for breakfast and went to group of schools.

Tokta Love

Tokta Love

There are those days where you lazily go home. The days you ask yourself what would have happened if you refused to be pushed off your mother’s cervix and just stayed intact attached to your food resource pipe and eternally moonwalked inside the womb.

Majini Za Mombasa

Majini Za Mombasa

How many of you have seen a jini? And I don’t mean Genie in a bottle. You know there is a difference between a genie and a jini? I think a genie is white; either British or from the US. You see the way you set up your new laptop or phone and you are asked to choose your language?

Wamama Wa Halia

Wamama Wa Halia

Rumor has it that the fresh grain eating pests have morphed into more potent and lethal organisms able to withhold more resources for more and improved services. It is said that the new breed now hide in different and more advanced cocoons called the CX5.

Visual Storytelling

Climate Change Has Really Affected The Maasai

Climate Change Has Really Affected The Maasai

It is not uncommon to see a Maasai man dressed in his traditional attire in major towns selling leather products. This is because their pastoralist life has been greatly affected by climate change brought about by the privatization of land and agriculture thanks to the death of group ranches.

Beyond Zero Narok Tour Featured Image

Beyond Zero Narok Tour

Shoot: Beyond Zero Narok Tour Location: Narok County Stadium Gadget(s): Nikon D750 Accessories: Yonguo 560 IV Speedlite Lenses: Nikon 24-70mm & Sigma 70-300mm This was an amazing shoot. The first

Motorists evade cows sitting beside the streets of Narok

The Street Cows of Kenya

Shoot: The Street Cows of Kenya Location: Narok & Kajiado Counties Gadget(s): Nikon D750 Accessories: None Lenses: 50mm prime & Sigma 70-300mm This is a sad post! So let’s first

Edgar & Yvonne: Wakanda to My KDF Date

Shoot: Engagement (Edgar & Yvonne) Location: Nairobi Arboretum Gadget(s): Nikon D750 Accessories: Yongnuo 560 III & IV, Color Gels, Soft Boxes Lenses: 50mm prime & Nikon 24-85mm Photographers: Stephen Siloma

Haya leta kitole ?

Kavuu Weds Leyian

Event: Wedding (Elvis Leyian & Maggie Kavuu) Location: Karen Country Lodge Gadget(s): Nikon D750 Accessories: Yongnuo 560 III Lenses: 50mm prime & Sigma 70-300mm Photographers: Stephen Siloma of Brait Photography

Joseph Nkaiserry & Ole Ntutu

10 Political Leaders I Shot

Location: Various – Narok, Kajiado, Oloitokitok Gadget(s): Nikon D3300 | Nikon D3200 Accessories: Yongnuo 560 III or None Lenses: Kit Lens 18-55mm mostly & Sigma 70-300mm Over the past two

Maasai Wedding

Nashipai & Kereto – Issa Maasai Affair

Location: Naisoya, Narok Gadget(s): Nikon D3300 Accessories: Yongnuo 560 III This was no ordinary wedding. Because I got to know all the mamas in the kitchen and they kept asking,

Sunset Bath

Location: Some open field next to Lexingtone Hotel – Narok Gadget(s): Nikon D3300 Accessories: Godox Softbox Grid, Yongnuo 560 III Last week we turned a local Kinyozi into a studio.


A Kinyozi For A Studio

Location: HQ Kinyozi Narok Gadget(s): Nikon D3300 Accessories: Godox Softbox Grid, Yongnuo 560 III, Yongnuo 560 IV – Do I also need to mention the light stands? ? Now, I have got

Verse5ve 2017

Event Name: Verse5ve Event Date: Cannot really remember but maybe July 2017 – The photos say so. Theme: It was some Hip Hop thingy so I cannot remember. Location: Bomblast

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