The Remnant

Work on Your Character

Work On Your Character

Why do you not receive when you give? Well, your character needs to be built first. Stop whining and complaining. Stop giving God commands reminding Him that you are giving all you have. He clearly says that you should stop worrying about life. He asks, ‘Isn’t life more than food or clothing?

Don't Call Yourself Off

Don’t Call Yourself Off

Don’t call yourself off because you were looking for a job and all you got were innumerable turn downs. Do not call yourself off because you lost crazy amounts in business. Do not despair because you were trying to change but you end up doing the exact same thing that you are up against. Even in your deepest abyss, you are righteous.

Choose Life

Choose Life

Every day you wake up with a choice. A choice to live and a choice to die. You may ask how one chooses to live when they are already breathing. Well, so many people choose death every single day. They simply wake up to die.

Don't Laugh At Your Father's Nakedness

Don’t Laugh At Your Father’s Nakedness

Most and I repeat saying that MOST people today are criticizing men of God. They talk about their greed, their promiscuity, their distorted teachings, and their personal lives. They think that they need advice or realignment to what they think is true faith.

Be Renewed Transform Your Mind

Be Renewed, Transform Your Mind

Guys, it is just not about reading your Bible and praying every day, no, that is religion. Do things from your very bosom and because you want to do them not because you have to do them.

Walk With God

Walk With God

Most people think that because they go to Church and attend eye-opening Bible studies, they are walking with God. Well, let’s study the one man in the Bible who walked with God until he was no more!

Martha Martha

Martha! Martha!

Martha! Martha! Why do you spend time seeking God where He isn’t? Why do you spend time trying to be perfect? Only few things are important. Only one thing is needed and once you get it, it will not be taken from you.

Sometimes You Are Blinded To See

Sometimes You Are Blinded To See

Introduction What is sight? Is it the ability to see or the ability to see well? What is the use of the eye? To see or to perceive? Does man

Every Day is a Fresh Start

Everyday is A Fresh Start

As you snooze that alarm of yours and turn over to enjoy that glorious sleep. As you grumble about how hard your workdays are someone is doing something. Everyday is a fresh start, make use of it.

God Wants You To Be Very Rich

God Wants You To Be Very Rich

It is sad that the topic of prosperity is negatively debated in many Christian circles. Money has been stamped the ‘root of all evil’ and God’s blessings have been redefined to just shelter from evil, good health, joy and happiness. Well, God needs you to have money and enjoy life to the fullest.

What is Truth

What is Truth?

Man has got an innate yearning for the truth. It is in his nature to seek that which is undisputed. But what is the truth and where is it found?