


Happy soul ultra pro max!
Are you a Christian
By addition
Or submission?
Are you in faith
By inheritance
Or assimilation?
Is Christianity a communal thing to you?
Are you a follower because Christ needs masses?
Do you conceal your sooted soul in faith?
Or do you go to church to seek love?
Is Christianity your last resort?
After the party and plunder?
Is your salvation based on your fear of hell?
Or do you want to impress man?
Does your walk match your talk?
Or you stand to fight social vices?
Does WhatsApp’s last seen
Challenge Bible’s last seen?
Can God read your chats
View your photos
And follow your social feed?
Do you take advantage of your fallen nature
Because He will understand?
Can you attest by the phrase
‘You will know them by their deeds?’
No one is perfect
No one is just but we strive to be
No one is righteous but did you know
Sinning knowingly
Takes Jesus back to the cross?
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