Least of My Passions

Picture of Siloma Stephen

Siloma Stephen

Writing is least of my passions
Doesn’t add a breadcrumb to my table
Nor does it contribute a shilling
To my pressing monthly bills
I do not say that am a writer
I don’t claim to have any works of art
But for formality, I say I run several blogs

I love music, I would die for it
I wouldn’t sleep neither would I eat
But try to decipher Mozart and Beethoven’s
Pieces that burn the fire in me
Transforming me into this bleating lamb
Eating from the green grass in the prairie

But there is one thing I learnt in life
There is His will and my will
There is His purpose and my purpose
There is me being used and me using myself
To either glorify Him or myself

People would like my writing
Some would hit my email
Others would deposit honor on WhatsApp
And others would hug me on the streets
Assuring me that I do not them
But my writing has changed their lives
Others will smile and say they would wish
To be such a moving writer

I would then shake my head, of course
I would say the word, ‘whatever’
Say am going to get a music instrument
Because I thought I substitued
My number one love to a bunch of words
But then again, I would find myself
On an editor, writing poems and articles

I got more congratulatory messages than ever
Giving me more reasons not to quit
Even though I felt I was wasting my time
Doing something that I thought added no value
Than go hustle selling spare parts or wares
In Grogon, Industrial area or Kipande road
But I in turn became more vehement
Doing it for His glory and not mine
Since he kept my grammar and art in line

Still writing is least of my passions
Even though I do it more than I go to the loo
Even though people say am good at it
Even through the tons of emails and messages
But… And a big BUT for that matter
There is this overwhelming feeling I get
When she says she read my piece and felt inspired
Or when he said he felt challenged after reading my art
That by itself, gives me peace, joy and happinness
Taking me back to the editor again, to inspire or challenge someone
I have a question
Why do you do what you do?
What do you do with your talent?

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