Your Amazing Love



Happy soul ultra pro max!

For the times I have doubted you
For the times I have mocked you
Asking what you want with my life
For the times I have arrogantly questioned
What kind of a God you are
And the times I gave you lists of things I need
For the times I have glorified myself
Walking in pride and puffing the smoke
Of the waste that comes from my nostrils
Saying, “That’s for you God”
For the times I regarded you as waste
Sided with the atheists in their beliefs
For the times I have told you
‘Hell as if I care’
And taken you for granted
For the times I have sinned knowingly
Over and over again with vehemence
For the times I walked in pride
Praying that my will be done

For the times I was struck down and destroyed
For the times I was lost and bereft
For the times I suffered
The consequences of my own sin
And for the times I felt confused
Reckless with no purpose and goal
I came back to you
Pleading for help and wailing in pain
Despite my sinful nature and mocks
Despite of how I disregarded you
And kept you at bay

Of what are you made of?
Your love is beyond my understanding
Despite my low level of thought
My inconsiderate and senseless self
You still have this amazing love for me
You don’t care whether I was a murderer
Thief, Immoral, liar, grifter or an atheist
You just say, ‘Son, I love you’
And take me back to your fold
So long as I abide by your rules

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