Photos That Inspired My 2017

Picture of Siloma Stephen

Siloma Stephen

2017 was a rough year. It was bitter and troublesome but I thank God I pulled through and had the best wrap of all years. I lost gadgets, including my hard disk (twice) and most of my photos got lost. All in all, I picked the pieces and these are some of the photos that inspired my year, despite is being so hard.

The Boot

A friend called me and asked, “Hey, are you still in Roysambu? I need some shots. And also know that am also low on budget.” I loved this boot.

The boot
The boot

The Architecture

In my travels early this year, I happened to visit Tumaini Gardens in Isinya. I took a photo using my phone camera, Infinix had just launched Zero 4 Plus that had a pro-camera. I did some long exposure of the Resort’s swimming pool and posted it on Instagram. The son saw it on my page and tagged his sisters. What followed was history

  • Tumaini Gardens
  • Tumaini Gardens
  • Tumaini Gardens
  • Tumaini Gardens

My employer also took me on a holiday in Shanzu, Mombasa and during the retreat, I took a photo of the hotel we were residing – Flamingo Beach Resort & Spa

  • Flamingo-Hotel
  • Flamingo-Hotel
  • Flamingo-Hotel

In my travels, I came across the Kilifi Bridge and Buntwani Pier in Malindi

  • Kilifi Bridge
  • Buntwani Pier Malindi

The Decor

I also happened to shoot at many events and the decor in those events was breath-taking. Sadly most of the photos were lost.

  • Setup - Royal Orchid
  • Setup - Royal Orchid Hotel
  • Event - Dusit D2
  • Event Grounds - Runda
  • Glasses - Lord Errol

The Pull

I have an emotional attachment to this photo. I wasn’t working. I was purely a budding photographer and a friend told me to go help him shoot in his company’s team building/charity exercise. I remember telling him that he should count himself lucky to have such a job. Months later, I was in an amazing employment. I thank God.

The Pull -Glaxosmithkline Team Building
The Pull -Glaxosmithkline Team Building

The Long Exposure

It was my birthday, we were just from Karura and we were at the Garden City Rooftop. I told my friends to wait for me I had seen a shot.

  • Garden City Long Exposure
  • Garden City Long Exposure

The Glam

Nothing really takes me back than the life, the smiles and the joy in events.

  • Baby Shower
  • Ladies dance at a pre-wedding event
  • Baby Shower - Royal Orchid
  • Kids make a speech at a birthday party

The Portraits

I have nothing to say on these

  • Bliss
  • Pose
  • Child
  • Beauty Closeup
  • Smile


I happened to go to Ol-Tukai this year. I loved it. It was an amazing experience.

  • Sunset in Amboseli
  • Mt. Kilimanjaro Landscape
  • Sunrise in Amboseli
  • Mt. Kilimanjaro as viewed from Amboseli National Park

The Delicacy

Food in events – The only way a photographer enjoys his shoot is when the client says there will be food. ? The cakes in events this year were just ?

  • Dessert - Hemingways
  • Dessert
  • Fruit Tartlets
  • It's A Boy Cake
  • Traditional Kikuyu Cake
  • Ladies serve food at an event
  • Strawberry Tartlets
  • It's A Girl Cake

The Holiday

This year ended in a style. We went on a holiday in Medina, Watamu. It was spectacular.

  • Medina
  • Dusk
  • Family Medina
  • Splash
  • Beats

It will be so unfair to myself if I never posted a photo of mine here. Now let’s start with this taken by a waiter.

Family Holiday
Family Holiday

And this taken by my bro


And finally this, taken by my sister as I got one thing off my bucket list – Snorkeling.

Me snorkeling
Me snorkeling

You can get all these in a post I wrote here.

The Beach, The Ocean

Let me not remind you that this was an amazing year.

  • Flamingo Beach
  • Sunrise-Golden-Hour
  • Man's Not Hot
  • Sunrise Hands
  • Sunrise Golden Hour Boat

You definitely have to read this hilarious post

Kitambi & Associates mentors Rono the village boy
Kitambi & Associates mentors Rono the village boy

The Travels

I was working with an NGO early this year and I toured four counties. It was an amazing experience

  • A river in Kitui County
  • An old car in Kitui
  • A lorry parks near a KWFT sign in Kyuso, a town in Kitui
  • Malindi's Silhouetted Vasco Da Gamma Pillar
  • Malindi town
  • Fishermen in Malindi
  • Men fetch water in Kajiado
  • Kajiado
  • Man cleans trench in Kajiado
  • People walking on a road in Kajiado

Blue Motion Band

Found these two playing at Lord Errol, Runda. These guys have amazing skills. I loved their Jazz & Oldies. Guess who the lady is in the comments, she was at TPF. If you guess it right I will give you a 20% off on your next shoot.

  • Blue Motion Band
  • Blue Motion Band
  • Blue Motion Band

The New Job

I finally got a good job and I thank God for it. I look forward to going to work every morning. With me I have the most amazing people on the planet – My workmates. They are funny nutheads like me.

  • The P.U.N.C.H
  • The Voyage
  • Bryan, the actor
  • Water therapy
  • Sam private yatch

The Wedding

Yes. This was a classy wrap. It stands out as my best wedding shoot in life. I never imagined I could execute such with just an entry-level camera and a Speedlite.

I see many photogs complaining that they do not have the best equipment, well, I use a very beginner camera, a D3200 and a D3300 and I make sure I make the best out of it. I will do a blog about this Maasai Wedding.

  • Love - Maasai Wedding
  • Leather Love
  • Love in the dusk
  • Love
  • Smile
  • Maasai Man Pose
  • Groomsmen tease the groom
  • Maasai Wedding
  • A Maasai Wedding
  • Groomsmen pose at a Maasai Wedding
  • Bridesmaids pose at a Maasai Wedding
  • Maasai Man Poses

Those were the photos that inspired my 2017. All but the Medina Holiday ones were shot with the Nikon D3300. I mostly use my kit lens 18-55mm, yes, I used the kit lens to shoot the wedding pictures. Though old and with a scratched UV filter, I occasionally use my Sigma 70-300mm because my manual 50mm is mostly defective.

To all the photogs out there, use what God has given you. Don’t complain that you do not have this or that. Support each other, psyche each other up, critique each other’s work but from a point of love and should you not be able to do a job give it to them.

There are too many jobs out there. There is this photographer’s fear that if you link a photographer friend to your client he will outdo you. Yes, he can or will but don’t let your envy kill you. That means he is better than you are or there is something the client saw that you didn’t.

Y’all should learn from my childhood friend Billy Miaron whom we frequently call each other and give each other tips on photography. You should check his website (Not Billy Miaron Pics but Best Moments Pics – haha I got you there – ?)

Have you read my e-books? They are FREE! Because You Kenyans Love FREE things! Mumetuwachia comments za ‘Good Work’ na Mungu akubariki! Shida ni ati ata zikiwa FREE hamsomi! Nani aliwaroga aki?

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8 Responses

  1. This was a great read Siloma. Love it all the way. My fav photos were the ones you took while working with the NGO. Every moment frozen tells a story. Keep on inspiring.

  2. Aaaah…brother man,big up man it’s true when you find that one thing you love doing then the results will be always top notch and you my brother are an amazing blessed person destined for more and more greatness. Proud of you. 2018 ile shoot yangu ina come thru☺..alafu apo kwa pose kuna warembo apo waambie wameweza hehehe…

    1. Davido my man. Thanks bro. Those were just humbling words that I need to re-read man. Thanks a lot. #NiJesus bro. Shoot tutafanya. Haha shida sasa siwajui but in case nipatane nao, I will tell them Davido said so.

  3. Hey Siloma! Breathtakingly beautiful!!!

    The gal is called Nyawira, I think she also sings with a band called Nisisi, am I right?

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